Ecstatic Dance Sarasota and Global on-sight and online midweek jam
10:00 am
10:00 am
Ecstatic Dance
We open at 10 am with arrival and stretch or meditate.
Circle opens at 10:30am
It is okay to arrive late tho we encourage you to be there for opening circle especially if new and to create a safe comfortable container for all.
Please no fragrances .
Once you arrive and sign in, please walk down the zigzag hallway to the rear of building. We are there.
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Dance Guidelines
Ecstatic Dance – 3 Simple Guidelines
1. We Dance without shoes (or: We Dance Barefoot)
This allows us to connect more fully with the Ground (socks are OK)
If you have a physical condition that you need dance shoes, then OK
2. We Dance without words (or: We Dance with Body Language)
This makes it easier to be in a Meditative State
No Verbal Instruction from the Facilitators
No Talking from the Dancers
3. We Dance as We Are
No Drugs/Alcohol, No Phones, No Camera/Video, No Scents, No Expectations, No Judgements, No Shoulds, No Oughts… Just Be Yourself; With Respect for Ourselves, the Space, and One Another.