Start A Dance
Register as a DJ

Do you feel the need for more freeform Dance in your community?
Have you already started your own local dance gatherings?

Create a page for your Ecstatic Dance here!

Ecstatic Dance is an open source dance technology. This means there are no fees, no trademarks, and no trainings necessary. We simply ask that you dance in harmony with other events already happening near you, and that you agree to the basic guidelines of Ecstatic Dance.

Register to Create Dances

Register as an Ecstatic Dance DJ

Create A DJ Profile


Describe the style of music you like to play and the experience you look to create.

Do you want to Include upcoming sets?

Month/Day/Year Time

Connected Dance Page on the website


    Paste the URL for soundcloud or mixcloud.


    Include an email for fans and other dances to be able to contact you.

    Create A DJ Profile


    Describe the style of music you like to play and the experience you look to create.

    Do you want to Include upcoming sets?

    Month/Day/Year Time

    Connected Dance Page on the website


      Paste the URL for soundcloud or mixcloud.


      Include an email for fans and other dances to be able to contact you.