My MUsic
Consideration to the preferences, tastes, and backgrounds of the local community or audience, fostering a sense of belonging and unity.
I craft and curate music per specific request – creating an immersive and culturally relevant experience that resonates deeply. Genre fluid sets and music that defies categoration, and also includes electronic genres, especially Bass, House, EDM, Tribal, and Trap, lo-fi Hip-Hop, jazz, raggae, world, new age, instrumental, singer song writer, vocal hooks. Deeply attuned to the context in which intended and the audience being served.
Matching moods and energies of the current season, music that reflects current events, social issues, cultural celebrations, resonate with the prevailing emotions of the audience. Craft sets that guide listeners through a journey or facilitate a particular experience. Blend music with a specific purpose or intention in mind, such as promoting joy, healing, connection, understanding, introspection and celebration.
References available. More info to share here on the bio soon.
Studied piano and trumpet, freeform dancer and contact improv dancer.
DJ @ Ecstatic Dance Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins, Ecstatic Dance Fairfax, San Francisco, Resident DJ & Founder @ ED Silicon Valley, Resident DJ & Founder @ ED Santa Cruz, Ecstatic Dance Nashville, Resident DJ & FOunder @ Inner Freedom Dance Nashville and Burning Man.
DJ of ceremonies, including life celebrations, special events, retreats and silent discos.