My MUsic
Resident DJ at the Mint Gaming Hall & a DJ on Broadway in Nashville, TN. Genre wise, I am an open format DJ, with an emphasis on Funk, Neo Soul, R&B, and if I can find the spirited crowd, we are TRIBAL dancing. I feel a strong pull on my heart strings that wants me to open myself up to ecstatic dancing and the beautiful community <3
Hello Beautiful People,
My DJ & Producer name is TOMBOYBARBIE but my loved ones call me Kathy. I am originally from Tucson, Az born and raised. Currently I live in Louisville, KY with my wonderful husband, and three fur babies. I am an author of My Cup of Tea poetry book, a waffle and tea goer, & a 24.7 creative
Upcoming Dances
Dance Sets
1970/01/01 00:00:00