Sarasvati Dasi

Sarasvati Dasi - multi-instrumentalist / singer / DJ - grew up in a Vedic culture of song, yoga philosophy, and devotion between temples in Europe and India.
In 2009 she co-founded KIRTANIYAS and toured internationally for the next decade sharing traditional mantra music in yoga studios, festivals and dance floors.
In recent years her love of music has brought her into the ecstatic dance space, where she combines live performance with a wide variety of music that will make you want to get up and dance.
Her new project "Jallebi" with music partner Nitai Prem fuses traditional songs/mantras of India with fresh beats alongside some fun and quirky vintage bollywood remixes.
She has collaborated with artists such as The Polish Ambassador, DJ Drez, Cheb i Sabbah, Saqi, Yemanjo, Jai Uttal, Tahir Qawwal & Hanuman Project.
My MUsic
Sarasvati Dasi’s live hybrid DJ sets are wonderful, funky musical journeys with a slight Bollywood twist, combining global beats with live elements such as vocals, violin and harmonium.
Dance Sets
1970/01/01 00:00:00