Muluk Sound
Erik Salvajillo
World music flows... Danza Libre Fluida

My MUsic

Loves playing, singing and spontaneously blending improv vibrations, world music selections/explorations… co-creating safe space for Ceremony, Yoga, Cacao, Sound Healing Journeys and Opening/Closing Rituals for Events, Multi-Sensorial Experiences, Festivals and Ecstatic Dance…

Music for the contemporary aboriginie and multi-dimensional nomads… Sound Design & Music Alchemy for the Soul, Mind, Heart, Body, Film, Multi-Media & Beyond…

Inspired by nature, soul reflections, divine nectar’s inner source libraries vibrations and frequencies of truth… shadow work, transmutation, bliss…

Deep sound and movement journeys as deep prayers and celebration at the service of love… to assist the human experience and reconnect with our true essence… calling in to continue learning remembering growing sharing and traveling through worlds of sound and lovely soul connections..


Erik Trujillo is an Audio Producer, Sound Alchemist, Singer, Music and Dance Lover, apprentice explorer and lover of life with more than 13 years exploring sound and music production with national and international credits in sound design for audiovisual content, film and television. His career connects through various worlds since childhood from alternative Latin rock, experimental hip-hop with Rap de Luz, electronic fusions with the Muluk Sound Project and sound therapy and inner technologies/shamanic explorations. Graduated from SAE Melbourne, Australia as an Audio Producer with investigative studies in sound therapy/sound healing modalities and their connection and techniques in their application in modern/contemporary music production. His love for sound led him to facilitate sound therapy in 2014-2015 for Yin Yoga classes at Summer Healing Yoga Studios in Australia and other events, retreats and festivals using his voice and ancestral instruments such as tibetan and crystal bowls, flute, harp and other instruments.

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