Padma Sam
Robb Correll

DJ Padma Sam (AKA Robb Correll), gave his first dance recital when he was 4 years old and dance has been his easiest access to joy ever since. After studying classical vocal performance in the USA, he moved to Switzerland where he has lived ever since, working as a vocal performance coach, choir director, theater director, and university lecturer in learning design. Together with his wife and co-founder of Ecstatic Dance Bern, Judith Meuwly Correll, he founded the private school Sesam, an arts integrated school dedicated to the full development of every young person’s creativity and self-expression. Conscious movement, especially 5-Rhythms, Open Floor and Medicine Dance has been a staple of Robb’s life for over 15 years, a fact that eventually led to the initiation of Ecstatic Dance Bern.
My MUsic
Robb brings all his skill and knowledge as a classically trained singer as well as years of experience as a professional theater director, choreographer and ritual facilitator to the creation of his transformative Ecstatic Dance mixes. His sets are multi-genre and built on the structure of ‘The Hero’s Journey’, a deeply archetypal structure, the story of stories, a form that dancers recognise and respond to intuitively.
Upcoming Dances
Dance Sets
1970/01/01 00:00:00