My MUsic
Mridu is holding the space and DJing into his ecstatic dance events. He is taking us on a beautiful journey with a dj mix of Downtempo, deep bass-lines, world, tribal, natural organic, electronic music & all other different kind of alternative & experimental sounds. In his ecstatic dances he invite the energy of the heart to arise and blossom, then with waves of energy taking the dance into all different directions and dimensions of our being. In & Out, Up & down. Creating and inviting for each dancer to experience all different sides of their own body, mind, spirit.
Mridu has been born in Greece. In 2007 he discovered Meditation, Osho & Alternative Therapies. He fell in love with the conscious way of living and working with people.
He is the founder of the Ecstatic Dance Greece, ED for him is a way to use music & movement as a vehicle to open the body mind and access deeper spaces of consciousness, joy, presence & healing. A beautiful way to transform the individual conditioned human into a holistic individual.
Today Mridu’s approach in life is the way of the heart, with meditation, dance & music, living life in the present, moment to moment in it’s natural essence and tasting all the different challenges that comes along the way.
He has been trained in different modalities like Osho Meditative Therapies ( Mystic Rose, No Mind, Born Again ), Tantra, Biodynamic Breathwok and Trauma release, From Separation To Unity, Osho Active Meditations, Sound healing and Reiki.
In the summers he lives in Lesvos Island, there he is part of Osho Afroz Meditation Center there he shares workshops & sessions and enjoy the commune life. The rest of the year he is traveling around the world facilitating workshops & trainings between India, Brazil, China and others where he meets people with different cultures connecting, playing and evolving with them.
Upcoming Dances

Dance Sets