My MUsic
I love to select pieces from varieties of sounds one by one.
from the abundance of Music so available to us in the current time.
I play only what i like. Obviously, when i am lifted, it flows back to field. Creating a mix of instrumental and electronic,
world music, nature sounds and various rhythms. From Healing showers to the wilderness of ecstatic peaks.
It is altogether a source of constant discovery.
Been on the field since 2006, In parties and private sessions.
The love of music had been my guide.
As i am a therapist and healer, I have found in Ecstatic Dance a perfect frame to support personal development through music and dance. I feel that something essential is coming through this process. The fact that we are coming mostly for the dance with allowance of freedom is powerful in itself and the build up of the music is creating a vehicle which takes off but also brings us back safely back to shore, accompanied often with new revelations.