My MUsic
Magi music journeys are curated to playfully guide listeners into a somatic experience of their own inner healer. Weaving together sonic tapestries influenced by cultures from all over the world to create an energetic arc and wavelike dance-floor experience. Magi music has also been a lifetime fan of hip-hop and that has expanded in a taste that encompasses a wide array of music. He has been an avid track digger for many years influenced by underground sound-system culture, with a taste for the eclectic and experimental. His sets are often infused with a deep tribal feeling, steeped in the mystical and poured over the listener like a warm bath of sub bass frequencies.
Cody Maria has been an embodiment facilitator, yoga teacher and bodyworker for several years and is passionate about creating safe spaces for people to feel into their bodies, move energy and ignite creative expression. After having had many potent healing experiences through music and dance over the past decade the Magi Music project was bEARTHed out of a desire to Co-create more consent based spaces for people to dance their prayer and wiggle like they just don’t care. May we find inspiration in the gnosis that music has the ability to connect us to our ancestral roots, as the rhythm of the drums symbolizes the heartbeat of the mother, and reminds us of our primordial nature.
Upcoming Dances

Dance Sets