My MUsic

I began my musical journey with hip-hop, then explored dancehall, afrobeats, reggaeton, and a few other genres. Over time, I’ve developed a unique style that blends organic sounds from around the world with electronic beats. My DJ sets are like a journey into a lush jungle, inviting everyone to dance beneath the stars, surrounded by the symphony of nature and technology. If you appreciate music that weaves the essence of global cultures with the pulse of electronic rhythms, you’ve found your groove with me. Let the diverse beats envelop you and experience how they uplift and connect us all.


Macej Mahu, whose real name is Maciej Kopania, was born in Poland and raised in Witten a peaceful town, near Dortmund, Germany.

He grew up in a musical household where melodies were a daily backdrop. His fascination with music began during long car rides to Poland, where he would listen to the same CD on his parents’ portable DVD player over and over again. This sparked a simple question: what if he could make the songs flow seamlessly into one another?

This curiosity turned into a passion when his cousin introduced him to a DJ controller, opening his eyes to the exciting world of music mixing.

Inspired, he downloaded VirtualDJ, approaching it like the coolest video game ever. Maciej even figured out how to keep his laptop charged in the car so he could turn those boring 10-12 hour trips to Poland into thrilling DJ sessions.

By the age of 15, Maciej was ready to take on a real crowd. Armed with his sister’s laptop and a mouse, he performed his first gig at his uncle’s birthday party. What seemed like a small event was actually a huge step for him, showcasing his ability to get a crowd dancing and confirming his feel for music.

At 18, Maciej persuaded his father to lend him money for a professional DJ controller, promising to repay him with earnings from gigs-a promise he quickly fulfilled. Soon, he was lighting up the scene at family parties, local bars, and eventually his first club night. Even when the COVID-19 pandemic forced him to explore other jobs, Maciej’s heart remained with music.

Today, Macej Mahu is dedicated to his dream of playing on the world’s biggest stages. This goal drives him every day to perfect his craft and connect with audiences everywhere. His vibrant DJ sets, a mix of global sounds, electronic beats, and jungle rhythms, not only reflect his connection to nature and the universe but also bring joy to his life.

For Macej, DJing isn’t just a job-it’s his calling and highest excitement.

Dance Sets


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