My MUsic
Multygenere approach for ecstatic dance to celebrate diversity and inclusivity by incorporating elements from different cultures and backgrounds.
Having performed at some of the most prestigious festivals worldwide, including Switzerland, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, India, Turkey, and Italy, The Kundalini Project’s relocation to Australia in 2015 brought a new level of inspiration to his music. He has become a staple in the Australian festival scene, performing at some of the biggest and most beloved festivals in the country.
His live show is truly a sight to behold, as he takes audiences on a journey through the depths of their soul. From Earthcore, one of Australia’s oldest and largest outdoor festivals, to Rainbow Serpent, Where the Wild Things Are, The Town, Renaissance Festival, Circadian Rhythm, Ecstatic Dance Festival Holland, Ecstatic Festival Melbourne, The Magic Garden Festival, Esoteric Festival, and more, The Kundalini Project’s unique sound and energy are unlike anything the audience has ever experienced before.