My MUsic
I love creating healing movement ceremonies, that have an opening, the main dance wave in the middle and the closing.
I love mixing a variety of plant medicine inspired music, including shamanic, latino, African and world beats that resonate with our souls, hearts and minds.
I have recently graduated from Wakamaia School of Ecstatic Dance DJ’s – and have embarked on an exciting journey to spread my passion for movement medicine around the UK.
I have always loved music and dance – but only recently received a gift of clarity to combine the medicinal music and dance and create beautiful healing and movement ceremonies.
I have been on my healing journey since 2012, having attended many workshops, plant medicine retreats, holotropic breathwork weekends, festivals and spiritual conferences around the world. Over the last 11 years I have gained a great facilitation experience, and the desire to be of creative service to the community.