DJ ViOcean
Violeta Valenzuela

I am a Sound Engineer and musician. In 2011 I went to India and I felt in Love with Counciouss Dance so all my life changed. I started to meditate and Dance a lot ... In 2016 I started to DJ Ecstatic Dance after doing Albert Pala ED teacher training in Barcelona (2015/2016). Since then I love to organize counciouss events , retreats and Festivals, so we move to the beat, express deeply our inner world and expand our hearts. I will love to meet you somewhere . In Love , Creativity and Celebration .
Soy ingeniera de sonido y música. En 2011 me fui a la India y me enamoré de la Danza Consciente. Ahí toda mi vida cambió. Empecé a meditar y a Bailar mucho . En 2016 acabé la formación de ED con Albert Pala en Barcelona y desde entonces facilito sesiones. También organizo eventos conscientes, retiros y festivales. Haciendo que nos movamos al ritmo de la música, expresemos nuestro mundo interior y abramos el corazón. En Creatividad, Amor y Consciencia. Vio
My MUsic
I like to play ethnic, tribal, different kinds of electronic music, pop, classical, neoclassical, dub, soul, … And the way I enjoy building the sessions is to really listen to the dance floor energy and channeling the song that wants to be played . Building a wave up and down . Letting myself to be as much connected as possible to the ground and the sky, in order to play inspired transitions between each song.
Ecstatic Dance teacher training by Albert Pala in 2015//2016.
Played Sessions in Dharamshala (India), Valencia, Barcelona, Mataró, Ibiza, Cádiz, Navarra (Spain).
Laboratorio de Teatro. Besalú
Festival de Ecstatic Valencia Dance CommUnity
Ecstatic Arts Festival. Luz de Sur
Upcoming Dances

Dance Sets