My MUsic

Resident Ecstatic Dance DJ at Ecstatic Dance Bali since 2013
Founder of Bali Ecstatic Dance Festival
Introduced Ecstatic Dance to Hong Kong in 2014
Introduced Ecstatic Dance to Singapore in 2015
Inspired the foundation of Ecstatic Dance Paris
Inspired the foundation of Ecstatic Dance Estonia
Inspired the foundation of Ecstatic Dance South Africa
Played Ecstatic Dance Oakland
Played Ecstatic Dance Nevada City
Played Ecstatic Dance San Diego
Played Ecstatic Dance Fairfax
Played Ecstatic Dance Hawaii
Played Ecstatic Dance Amsterdam
Played Ecstatic Dance Milan, Italy
Played Ecstatic Dance Byron Bay
Played Ecstatic Dance Melbourne
Played Ecstatic Dance Vancouver
Played Ecstatic Dance Victoria
Played Ecstatic Dance Portugal
Played Ecstatic Dance Singapore
Played Ecstatic Dance Hong Kong
Played Ecstatic Dance Perth, Australia
.. and many more Festivals, clubs & events internationally.