My MUsic
DJ Kysari’s aim is to open the inner well off the soul, enabling the listener to sink into the depths of themselves and begin their journey towards the infinite intelligence of the universe. His music is a guide towards the spiritual realms where you are invited to get lost and at the same time, find yourself. Your true self.
DJ Kysari does not plan his sets in advance, but follows the river of his intuition that flows with a unique story that slowly develops and engulfs the listeners. His access point is empathy; he tunes into the individual and combined energy of the dancers on the dance floors of Ecstatic Dance, Tantric Dance, Intuitive Dance. His methods encourage listeners to connect to their body by freeing them from mind control so deeper states of flow can be experienced.
His passions are also meditative music, which he particularly loves to share at yoga events in the bosom of nature. He loves to observe and feel how particular sounds and vibrations soften the bodies and souls of sensitive people and experience the magic of the breeze and sunlight on their skin.
His spiritual path began over 6 years ago in London where he had contact with the city’s magical spiritual community. He also traveled to conscious events in Amsterdam and Berlin where he met many wonderful people who inspired him spiritually and musically. He currently lives in Warsaw, where he holds in his heart the desire to share his passion for conscious music with a rapidly growing local community. He hopes that after returning to his home country he will meet more kindred souls and continue contributing to deepening the spiritual awareness of the inhabitants of this city and eventually, the world!