Dj Clems
Clément de Senarclens
Conscious Mouvement Teacher, Ecstatic Dj & Founder of the Ecstatic and Conscious Dance Community in Geneva.

My MUsic

My soul journey into the healing power of music and dance have led me from the roots of traditional drumming ceremonies in West Africa, Haiti and Brazil to the blossoming of Ecstatic Dance sessions all over the world.

In my sets, I like to pay tribute the African roots of our modern dances by offering an  opportunity to the dancers to directly connect to the Earth by stepping, shaking and sweating on its ground.

How beautiful it is then to help them feel how light, alive and vibrant can be their movement while moving, connecting and travelling on its whole face!


Conscious Dance Teacher, Dj and Founder of the Ecstatic Dance Community in Geneva, I am dedicated to lead people to experience their own Freedom, Strength and Beauty through Conscious Movement.

Radio interview (in French)




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October 31, 2020, 8:00 am
Ecstatic Saturday