Dawn Michaela
Dawn is an ecstatic dance DJ located in the Mt. Shasta area of Northern California. As a lifelong dancer herself, she loves creating spaces and experiences for people to drop in and surrender their bodies to the beat.

My MUsic

Dawn describes her style as “World Beats & Power Ballads,” and creates transformative journeys through deep tribal rhythms interwoven with the soaring vocals and melodies, mixed with a little funk. She loves creating sonic landscapes that sync you to the primal pulse of the Earth, and get you tapped in to the collective heartbeat of everyone else on the dancefloor.

Dawn believes that dance is a powerful conduit to joy, and a prayer in motion that allows you to shed the weight of the world and dance your way into ecstatic connection with the Divine. Let the beat guide you, the melody envelop you, and the dance set your spirit free.


Dawn has been DJ’ing, leading dance workshops, silent discos, and dance retreats for 4 years.

Upcoming Dances

Dance Sets


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October 24, 2024, 7:00 pm

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Operating our free website costs around $4,000 a year. As a nonprofit, your contributions to EcstaticDance.org are tax-deductible and critical to our mission of nurturing free, conscious dance globally.