Co-Libri (NL)
Co-Libri is one of the DJ's of Ecstatic Dance Alkmaar and one of the directors of Dansklooster.

My MUsic

I like to explore in different styles and genres. I love Classical music. As a DJ I’m on a mission to find my own signature, my unique way of DJ-Ing. At this moment together met DJ Me~Ander we call our way of DJ-ing a Lyrical dynamical Ecstatic Dance Journey. Dreaming Sharing, Dancing and Exploring.

De vogel, vlug klein en mooi van kleur. Co van coöperatief, de verbindende factor, libri. Dansen in vrijheid, de balans vinden tussen alle ritmes, om dit aan te voelen met alle elementen, aarde, vuur, lucht en water. De ruimte en muziek geven om je vrij te bewegen. Altijd in beweging en op zoek naar wat er achter zit, De Colibri is een van de krachtdieren. Er is veel over geschreven. De Colibri leert ons de schoonheid van het leven te zien. Om vreugde en vrede in jezelf en de ander te zien. De Colibri is stilte, rust in beweging



Co-Libri is an experienced retreat- and Ecstatic Dance facilitator & DJ, holder of the labyrinth and is one of the directors of Dansklooster. Since 2012 they organise different retreats during the whole year at different venues. The key words are dance, mindfulness, awareness and most of all an eye for beauty. She organizes big and small Ecstatic’s (15-100 dancers). Coby and her team are really proud of the small events, because there is group of dancers who don’t like to dance in a big venue and are filled with gratitude to dance in the small churches or venues. There are a few Ecstatic’s for parents and children in the Netherlands and Coby organizes one of them.

Upcoming Dances

Dance Sets


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