Ecstatic Dance DJ bridging the stars to the earth. The Hawaiian name for Arcturus is Hoku'lea and the Hawaiians used it to navigate to the islands. I strive to represent this in the best way possible. Mahalo

My MUsic

My name is Arcturus and I am passionate about taking people on a journey of themselves through direct experience.  I truly believe that ecstatic dance has saved my life, and the lives of many other people in my life.  It is an honor to weave together soundscapes, combining my own original works of music, with cutting edge world fusion electronic music.  I like to create an experience of bridging the cosmos to the earth, by taking people to realms of the stars, and grounding them back into the earth and into the prayer.  I hope to groove with you and see you out there in the dance 🙂


Arcturus is the Sedona Arizona based DJ/Producer Daniel Kaplan.  Arcturus has been a lover of music since early childhood, picking up many instruments along the way.  First launching the Arcturus project in 2013, he aimed to take people on a journey of the stars, and to tell the stories through music of the multiverse.  Since then Arcturus has played many professional gigs all over the country, including ecstatic dances all over.  He created and facilitated his own dance in 2020 in San Luis Obispo and held that container for an entire year.  Arcturus aims to play many more Ecstatic dances, constantly refreshing and revitalizing his approach to sound and music.


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