My MUsic
She carries a vast variety of music with her, from earthy, tribal, sexy to sacred and deep honouring the shamanic forces of spirit in everything. She loves deep bass & beats, tribal fast energy, as well as high spirit and heart opening music. She invites the dancers to carthatic journeys, to really sweat and let go to uplifting deep silence.
And she always likes to surprise the dancers with connections of unexpected energies show up in combinations of different energys of music styles, that break patterns, touching a variety of different emotional and energetical spaces.
Aniketa loves dancing since she was a teenager, feeling deep inside, that dancing is a sacred place. Then 10 years later life took her to her first 5 rhythm sweat your prayer and she felt home and a long journey of weekly dancing 5 rhythms in Freiburg started for 20 years. As well as taking part in workshops.
She is CranioSacral Bodyworker, Yogateacher and a woman on a shamanic pathway, giving craniosacral and traumasensitive sessions.
Embodiment is sacred for her. And our sacred essence is here and now visible in us, being humans.