Yoga Trance Dance
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Ecstatic Dance
Dance as meditation is as ancient as humanity. Sacred dance is an important element of our human history and culture. It is a proven stress reliever and a fun way to express your creativity without the pressure of a nightclub environment.
Guidelines for Yoga Trance Dance
1. Move however you wish – full creative expression without judgement
(Dancing, sitting in meditation, stretching, shaking, laying on your mat or doing yoga are all appropriate)
2. A Talk-Free Dance Floor – Eliminating talking helps us to focus on our bodies
3. Respect your space, others space, and the collective space
4 This is a drug and alcohol free event
5. No photos or videos
6. No scents, perfumes, or strong fragrances
This Sacred type of Dance is done for transformation, healing, prayer, and creative expression.
It can help open the door to discover, unleash, and enhance your potential.
By engaging our senses and listening to our bodies, we connect to others and shape a consciousness that extends beyond our own.
Sliding scale available for cash pay
Please arrive a few minutes early to check in and make payments.
There will be herbal tea and water available.
What to wear:
Comfortable clothes you can stretch and move in, prepare to be barefoot but it is okay if you do not choose to be.
What to bring:
You may bring your own yoga mat or meditation cushion if you’d like to use it, but there are mats available to use. It is encouraged to bring your own mug for tea and/or water bottle.
How Much
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Dance Guidelines
Ecstatic Dance – 3 Simple Guidelines
1. We Dance without shoes (or: We Dance Barefoot)
This allows us to connect more fully with the Ground (socks are OK)
If you have a physical condition that you need dance shoes, then OK
2. We Dance without words (or: We Dance with Body Language)
This makes it easier to be in a Meditative State
No Verbal Instruction from the Facilitators
No Talking from the Dancers
3. We Dance as We Are
No Drugs/Alcohol, No Phones, No Camera/Video, No Scents, No Expectations, No Judgements, No Shoulds, No Oughts… Just Be Yourself; With Respect for Ourselves, the Space, and One Another.