Undersky Dance
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
Ecstatic Dance
We are Undersky Dance
We dance outside all year at Battle Point Park on Bainbridge Island, every Wednesday 12PM-2PM.
We love to dance outside! We find it so strengthening and exhilarating, regardless of the weather. We have even danced in the snow! So fun!
We are free and open to the public (in the future, we may choose to ask for donations for the hard work of our DJ’s).
We are a community-based ecstatic dance on Bainbridge Island focused on:
— Dancing Outside
— Dancing from the Heart
— Dancing Together
— Honoring the Land and Sky, All the Elements and our Beautiful Community.
We rotate DJ’s and are blessed with more than 13 amazing DJ’s from our community. Our playlists tend to be themed and can best be described as heart-centered.
After dance, we have a closing circle which has become a very important part of our community as a place to be real about is happening in our lives. We honor people being wherever they are at.
We build consent culture. We encourage everyone to honor and respect themselves and each other.
We support each other in being exactly who we are in the moment.
And, most of all, we have FUN!
Feel free to come dance with us!
You can also join our on-going community dialogue on WhatsApp. Search for: Undersky Dancers.
The NW parking lot normally has space but, if it is full, there are 3 more parking lots elsewhere at Battle Point Park.
How Much
Dance Guidelines
Ecstatic Dance – 4 Simple Guidelines
1. We Dance Outside!
2. We Dance without Shoes (or: We Dance Barefoot, unless its REALLY COLD:)
This allows us to connect more fully with Mother Earth.
If you need to wear shoes, wear shoes. 🙂
3. We Dance with Minimal Words (Making Sound is Super Welcome!)
We ask that there be no conversations in the main dance space during dance. This makes it easier to drop in to the beauty of the moment
4. We Dance Just as We Are
No Drugs/Alcohol, No Phones, No Camera/Video, No Scents, No Expectations, No Judgements, No Shoulds, No Oughts… Just Be Yourself; With Respect for Ourselves, the Space, and One Another.