Soul Sanctuary Dance
11:00 am
11:00 am
Ecstatic Dance
Soul Sanctuary Dance is a welcoming and inclusive all-ages freestyle dance that supports free expression, community, physical and emotional health, and a spirit of generosity. We dance to an irresistible, eclectic blend of world music, funk, soul, positive hip hop, reggae, dance classics, jazz, blues, classical, electronica, and other music to free mind, body and soul.
The dance is completely organized and run by volunteers.
Wheelchair accessible. No scented products please. Shoes optional. On rare occasions we relocate for one week. Check the website: soulsanctuarydance.com
10 minutes from North Berkeley BART via the 52 bus.
On the 72 bus line (San Pablo Avenue)
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Dance Guidelines
Soul Sanctuary Dance is a welcoming and inclusive all-ages community freestyle dance that supports free expression, community, physical and emotional health, and a spirit of generosity.
By participating in Soul Sanctuary Dance (SSD), you agree to the following. These agreements are part of our effort to create a safer space where community awareness and care are foremost.
● I agree to treat others with awareness and care to the best of my ability, including refraining from use of scented products, avoiding transmission of communicable disease, not taking photos or video, and not engaging in unsafe, unhealthy, or harassing behaviors towards others.
● I understand that SSD invites mutually consensual interaction among participants (that may include non-sexual physical contact) and that people vary in their capacity to establish mutual consent. I am expected to use nonverbal and, if needed, verbal expressions of “yes” and “no” to convey my response to any interaction to the best of my ability, and I am expected to comply with any nonverbal or verbal expressions of “no” from others.
● I agree to take care of myself to the best of my ability, and I acknowledge that I [and any children I am responsible for] participate at my own [our own] risk, and I agree to the liability waiver below.
● SSD Organizers request that any unhealthy, unsafe, or harassing action by a participant be promptly reported to an Organizer or Host, who will engage in discussion with the participant and take any action deemed appropriate, including temporary or permanent suspension from participation.
● I agree to ask a SSD Organizer for clarification of any of these agreements if they are unclear to me.
● If I have an accompanying child or children, I agree that within Ashkenaz I will supervise the child(ren) at all times, and take responsibility for the safety and safe behavior of the child(ren).
Liability Waiver
By participating in SSD I release and hold harmless Soul SAnctuary Dance organizers, and their legal representatives and assigns, from any and all actions, causes of action, claims or any liabilities whatsoever, known or unknown now existing or which may arise in the future, on account of or in any way related to or arising out of my participation. This waiver also applies to any children accompanying me at SSD.
Here are some suggestions to help you make the most of your dance with us:
Connect with yourself first. Stretch, dance to our slower opening music, and connect within yourself before dancing with others.
After connecting with yourself, connect with others through dance as you and they wish. Make eye contact, reach out to engage with someone, mimic how someone else is dancing. Value the non-verbal interactions our dance enables; if you must have a verbal conversation, please bring it to the side of the room.
Join us for closing circle at the end of the dance. You don’t have to speak, but you can if you want to.
Talk to an organizer or the host of the day if you have questions or want help in getting and giving the most in your dance.