Let's Dance Sheffield and the Peak District
10:30 am
10:30 am
Ecstatic Dance
Hello beautiful people!
Let’s Dance Sheffield is a growing Ecstatic Dance community based in Sheffield, UK, holding Cacao Circles and Ecstatic Dances, both indoor and outdoors.
Please visit our Facebook page, Instagram or email Rachael at lets.dance.sheffield@gmail.com to find out about our latest offerings!
You can book your space by visiting: https://bookwhen.com/letsdancesheffield Please be aware spaces are limited and usually fill up in the week before the event.
How Much
Dance Guidelines
✬ Some guidelines for our time together:
– Be present: please keep phones off/airplane mode (this is also really important so the headsets work properly)
– Non-verbal space: communicate with movement instead of words
– No drugs/alcohol: come with a clear mind to embrace mindfulness
– Respect others: respect others’ space and freedom of expression
– Be free: dance how you want, be messy! This is a non-judgemental space.