HeartBeat Ecstatic Dance
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Ecstatic Dance
HeartBeat Ecstatic Dance A Space To Dance Freely, Smile Randomly, Enjoy Community, Express Creatively, Release Completely.
Located in Mount Shasta, CA.
Dances take place every Thursday at the City Park Dance Hall, 1315 Nixon Rd.
from 7pm-9pm, forever.
This is a substance free space with no dance instruction. We provide a safe and supportive space for free expression through movement and dance.
Subscribe to our weekly email: https://heartbeatdance.us5.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=8a047d894b4acb3a786beb0d5&id=49e0448765
We love you!
The HeartBeat Family
There is plenty of free parking in the midst of the elder cedar trees.
How Much
Upcoming Dances
Dance Guidelines
Please read these guidelines so we can take part in a deeper commitment to hold a safe and enjoyable space not only for our own community of dancers, but for the worldwide dance community, some of who will be traveling to Mt Shasta to visit and to dance in our amazing space.
Please Help Us Hold a
Sacred and Safe Dance Space
Silence your cell phones before entering the dance space. Cell phone use, including taking photographs or videos, is not permitted in the dance space unless notified by HeartBeat Producers. There will be times that media will be allowed for special events which HeartBeat will take video and still photos, which an announcement will be made ahead of time. Usually a weeks notice will be posted.
Arrive scent free. Your community appreciates personal hygiene, and only mild essential oils.
This is a non-verbal space. If you must converse, please step outside. This is a silent movement meditation practice. We are encouraging verbal expressions of ecstatic joy and release as we understand the importance of this.
Remove shoes before entering the dance floor. Dance barefoot, with socks, or with clean, soft-soled dance shoes.
Be aware of other’s space on the dance floor and respectful of other’s personal boundaries. As summer approaches our dance space will be attended by greater numbers of visiting dancers.
Make eye contact and get a clear “yes” before initiating physical contact.
This dance space is substance free.
Thank you for understanding the importance of guidelines which can be viewed as a way to create an intentional space for our dance community, and for visitors who come to Mt Shasta to dance with us. If you have questions or wish to DJ, please contact us at info@heartbeatdance.org.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and consideration.
HeartBeat Family!