Full Moon Dance under the stars





5:00 pm

5:00 pm

Ecstatic Dance

Dance under the stars in a Quinta near Sao Bras dArportel. If we are lucky with a log fire. The full moon seen coming up and the sun going down.

Maximum 20 people can come. Please register under: wdiwdi@web.de or 0041766869786.

Real connections will be made, little surprises.

Be there for the dance and the beats, not for the alcohol. The dance starts at a certain time, so please register.

If we can we dance no shoes (bring thick socks with you if needed), and let yourself be lead into new insights and beats.

Driving Directions and Parking:Parking spots are on the main road and location is given on booking.
5:00 pm
8:00 pm
Full Moon Dance, goal is a daily dance session in nature
sao bras darportel
How Much

Upcoming Dances

May 16, 2022

Full Moon Party

Dance Guidelines

Ecstatic Dance – 3 Simple Guidelines
1. We Dance without shoes (or: We Dance Barefoot)
This allows us to connect more fully with the Ground (socks are OK)
If you have a physical condition that you need dance shoes, then OK
2. We Dance without words (or: We Dance with Body Language)
This makes it easier to be in a Meditative State
No Verbal Instruction from the Facilitators
No Talking from the Dancers
3. We Dance as We Are
No Drugs/Alcohol, No Phones, No Camera/Video, No Scents, No Expectations, No Judgements, No Shoulds, No Oughts… Just Be Yourself; With Respect for Ourselves, the Space, and One Another.

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