FESTIVAL CHILL OUT OMLINE - Ecstatic Dance Conexión Latina
11:11 am
11:11 am
Ecstatic Dance
Festival Chill Out OMline
“Ecstatic Dance Latino Conexión”
Sunday, September 13th from 11:11 am until 00:00.
A special edition of the Chillout OMline Festival, bringing DJ’s and producers that are involved with Ecstatic Dance, this time a neighborhood union between countries in Latin America: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Panama.
It will be broadcast ONLINE, through the festival channel on TWITCH.TV https://www.twitch.tv/festivalchilloutomline and also through ZOOM.
ZOOM is like the physical space, where the festival is happening and TWITCH.TV is the transmission channel for those who just want to watch, but are not actively participating.
An experiment to connect artists and representatives of the Ecstatic Dance scene, bringing them closer to Chillout universe at festivals.
We intend to help the Guarani Indigenous Tribe, any spontaneous contributions will benefit this cause that we choose to support, as well the artistic movement.
It’s more fun, you will feel closer! At ZOOM, participants will be able to interact, so enjoy this solar year and allow yourself to shine. And it has a good cause, the donations will be to cover the costs for the event, and the rest will be divided equally between the parties involved, the festival producers, the artists and the Guarani Indigenous tribe.
Get more infos: linktr.ee/chilloutomline
Paypal: contato.edbr@gmail.com
* If you make your donation through PayPal, let us know here: https://bit.ly/edbrcontribuir and you will receive the Zoom link.
Any amount that comes from the heart <3
This time in the Lineup we will use to get to know each other and interact a little more. Bring your art, something you want to share, show your gifts and talents, all kinds of expressions are welcome. It can be a chat, a workshop, a good song, a poetry, an act, a dance, what makes your heart sing? To participate, just be connected in the ZOOM at the day of the event and present yourself on time.
* If you want your participation to be promoted, please let us know more about ya! Register first at bit.ly/jardimedbrparticipar
11:11am – Bien Venid@s
11:30am – Rassayana (Chile)
1pm – Kuumba (Mexico)
2:30pm – Kaboko (Costa Rica)
4pm – La.May (Colombia)
5:30pm – Manoh (Brazil) * EDBr experience
7:30pm – EDBr Garden *
8:30pm – Polarny (Panama)
10pm – Cheitanya (Brazil)
11:11pm – Gabriel Menezes (Brazil) * Mindfullness Meditation
* EDBr experience: Will have the “Awakening Body” warm-up with Jennyflow and Mel Skywalker
* Jardim EDBr: A moment of free interaction between the participants to show your talents.
* Mindfullness is Gabriel’s Instagram page, he will do a closing ceremony guiding us with meditation.
Sapukai village is located in Angra dos Reis – RJ – Brazil. The indigenous Guarani, about 400 living there now are isolated during pandemic COVID, they usually live on tourism, art and sale of handicrafts. Due this scenario any donation will be welcome for them. In their culture, music and dance has been present in education since childhood. To learn more visit: https://www.facebook.com/Coral-Guarani-Tenonder%C3%A3-200839427002902/
* Tangará = a dance, a playful game, a way to sweat and cure the diseases. It is also a name of bird from Atlantic forest. A sacred bird for the Guarani Tribe.
Our Village contact: Lucas Xuru Mirin & Antônio Tupãnzinho
E-mail: chilloutlatinoamericano@gmail.com >> Cheitanya
Whatsapp: bit.ly/edbrfaleconosco >> NanaGaia
How Much
Upcoming Dances
Dance Guidelines
Ecstatic Dance – 3 Simple Guidelines
1. We Dance without shoes (or: We Dance Barefoot)
This allows us to connect more fully with the Ground (socks are OK)
If you have a physical condition that you need dance shoes, then OK
2. We Dance without words (or: We Dance with Body Language)
This makes it easier to be in a Meditative State
No Verbal Instruction from the Facilitators
No Talking from the Dancers
3. We Dance as We Are
No Drugs/Alcohol, No Phones, No Camera/Video, No Scents, No Expectations, No Judgements, No Shoulds, No Oughts… Just Be Yourself; With Respect for Ourselves, the Space, and One Another.