Ecstatic Dance Norwich

Ecstatic Dance - Norwich





6:00 pm

6:00 pm

Ecstatic Dance

Website & Tickets

Welcome to Ecstatic Dance Norwich, a freeform, sober, barefoot dance and movement meditation in a space of respect and total acceptance for our unique expression. During an ecstatic dance we follow a wave that takes us from our busy mind and helps us drop into the body, without thought we are free, here the music takes us high, to ecstatic peaks that free the dancer and allows us to experience our natural state of ecstasy while sober; once in this elevated state, you’re guided gently back down into a restful Savasana where were integrate heart expanding experience. 

Watch Ecstatic Dance Norwich video

Live Dj’ed Ecstatic Dance Wave; starting with atmospheric music, building to ecstatic peaks and gently brought down into a peaceful and restful state.

Atmosphere: A warm welcoming space of acceptance for who you are; love, connection, freedom, playful spirits, sensuality, celebration.

Music: Downtempo, Shamanic Beats, Tribal House to Spiritual – We’ll weave a dance journey that gently eases into an ecstatic celebration before bringing you back home to the heart and ready for a restful Savasana.

Facilitation: Energy clearing, meditation, heart opening cacao, movement based exercises to help us land in the space.



Anybody aged 16 to 90

Sober, no alcohol or drugs.
Sacred silence.
No phones or photography – (we will have our own for parts of the dance*)
Accept & respect yourself and each other as you are.

WHERE: We use multiple venues.
– The Yoga Tree, Norwich
– St. Mary Magdalen Church, Norwich
– Nature Park, Norwich
– …

Walk or cycle if possible.

Arrival 5:15pm
Opening Circle 5:30pm
Ecstatic Dance 6pm
Savasana 7:30
Closing Circle 7:45pm
Connection 8pm
Finish 8:15pm

*Please note there will be photography at this event to help promote and ultimately share this experience with those looking to find it. If you would prefer not to be included in photos/video, please let our photographer know, otherwise by attending this event you are consenting to the use of photos and video for promotion.

#Norwich Spiritual #Norfolk Spiritual #Ecstatic Dance #Ecstatic Dance Norwich #Conscious Movement #Movement Meditation #Cacao Dance #Sober Dance #Freeform Dance #Heart Opening Events

6:00 pm
9:45 pm
First & Third Saturday of Every Month
Multiple Venues (See our website for more details)
How Much
£27 - £35

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Dance Guidelines

Ecstatic Dance – 6 Simple Guidelines

1. We Dance Barefoot – This allows us to connect more fully with the Ground (socks are OK) or if you have a physical condition and need dance shoes this is OK.

2. Sacred Silence
 – No words, communicate through dance. This makes it easier to be in a Meditative State.

3. Sober – No alcohol, drugs or plant medicines. We create our own ecstasy through the practice of Ecstatic Dance.

4. Non-Judgement – We Dance as We Are. Accept each yourself and each other as we are.

5. No thank you – No Phones, No Camera/Video, No Scents, No Expectations, No Judgements, No Shoulds, No Oughts…

6. Yes please – Love yourself and each other, allow yourself to be as you are, all emotions are welcome, use your voice to express emotion or feeling without words, respect the space, yourself and each other, love, love, love.


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