8:00 pm
8:00 pm
Ecstatic Dance
EARTHSHAKE Ecstatic Dance:
Every FIRST FRIDAY of the Month.
Earthshake is the largest, wildest ecstatic dance in New England on the East Coast.
We love you.
Western MA is a thriving, expanding hub for artists, farmers, movers and a deeply committed somatic community. Ecstatic dances has always been a pillar of the Western MA movement-community. For 40 years, our home at Studio 444 has been a central temple for dance. Earthshake is the present torch-bearer, maintaining an unbroken tradition of holding ecstatic dance EVERY FIRST FRIDAY of the month.
Our hosts uphold a standard of excellence for every element of the experience, from music to consent, to seasonal themes, artists and decor. Earthshake has grown in part from excellent leadership and above all: EXCELLENT dancers. We are SO PROUD of our passionate, committed evolving community of Earth-shakers.
The Earthshake dance floor is characterized by wild, raw, devoted dancers who are committed to the transformative, cathartic, connective powers of dance. Earthshaker’s know that there is no right or wrong way to participate in ecstatic dance. As long as you are in the space, listening to your body and listening to the others around you. You are dancing.
Come for joy.
Come to cheer.
Come to celebrate.
Come to pray.
Come to grieve.
Come to hold and be held.
Come to meet friends.
Enter the dancer floor to transform into a clown, a bear, a dragon, a tree, an ocean wave, or a breath of wind.
Enter the dance floor to remember how to listen to you bodies, you b old, your limbs and organs…
Enter the floor to witness the pure beauty of so many poetic hearts moving in unison.
Participate in the ancient magic of humans shaking as one….. No where else do we witness dance floors that consistently erupt in collective joy and collective rage. We continue to steward a community that stirs and grows until 100 dancers become one, whole, moving body. Come join us to witness the magic of Earthshake, and ecstatic dance first-hand.
All you need to bring is a willing heart, respect for yourself, respect for others, and some drinking water 🙂
Ecstatic dance may look like fun social event, which is true, but even deeper down, it is a radical way of ensuring that real-life community continues to exist in a world designed to keep us separate. It is a way to foster connection instead of division, health instead of decay, power and courage instead of apathy… love over fear….
We honor every dancer, and every ecstatic dance across the globe. We are proud to be a part of this movement and look forward to shaking along side you. <3 xo
How Much
Upcoming Dances
Dance Guidelines
There is no right or wrong way to participate in ecstatic dance.
Listen to yourself and your body, and listen to others.
Respect yourself, respect others and respect the space.
Allow your spirit to move.
Allow your body to move.
Allow yourself to be moved.
Lay still as a stone or move as wild as a storm.
The only rule is respect:
Never enter into anyone else’s close personal bubble without clear consent.
The dance floor is a NON-VERBAL space except for communication about safety and boundaries. Please keep all socializing in the lobby off the dance floor, but yes, use you voice to ask or state boundaries 🙂
And… PLEASE use you vocal range as part of your dance. Swing, Hum. Shout, Laugh, Weep if you’re stirred to.
Please keep the floor Bare-foot except for specially reserved dance shoes 🙂
Please consider bringing any ABUNDANCE in your that might benefit your fellow dancers. Earthshake maintains a potluck style “Abundance Table” where guests are encouraged to share any excess garden surplus, baked good, healthy food, cooking supplies, craft supplies, tools,. clothes, ect to share. If it’s something you have grown or harvested that might benefit others, consider participating in our community-surplus experiment once every month 🙂
Please bring an open heart and backup drinking water.
Earthshake occasionally employs professional artists to capture photo and video, with the specific purpose to amplifying the magic of our space further into the world, to hopefully touch more hearts.