Cranbrook Equinox / Solstice Ecstatic Dance





7:30 pm

7:30 pm

Ecstatic Dance

Ecstatic Dance is a freeform movement journey, held in an open, compassionate container…a place where we can be our unique selves, and share the bliss of being in our bodies, together.

Come dressed to move in comfortable and/or loose-fitted clothing and bring a water bottle. Working up a sweat is not uncommon! We’ll have some spring water available.

There will be a brief embodiment warm-up (possibly a contact dance jam, TBD!), and then we will boogie into the night, wordlessly and with abandon!

Kindly arrive on time and sober, with a clear mind and open heart. There will be bodies moving, by themselves or with others, in whatever space and expression wants to manifest at the time. There may be howling, stomping, crying or laughing. Go wild! Be slow. Be bold. Be calm. Be exactly as you are in each moment.

There is no script, no steps, no expectations, no judgement. No experience required.

All ages, bodies and peoples are welcome (toddlers are welcome with supervision and protective headphones).

We’ll close the doors around 8pm to create a strong container, and have a brief closing circle to share our experience before we depart back into our lives.


After 6+ years of living in the East Kootenays, I’ve decided it’s time to bring the full West Coast ecstatic dance experience to the Interior. When I lived in Victoria, my community centred around monthly Full Moon dances. Spaces that were full of joy, life, light, connection, play. A space to move freely, to be in your body without any need to think or worry or impress anyone (not even yourself!). A space to relax, unwind, and perhaps connect to the inside of your left elbow for the first time in a decade.

I’d like to acknowledge all those others who have, and are, hosting ecstatic dance in the area over the past years. I hope it is finally time for Ecstatic Dance to take off in the area, and hope this will become a rich, collaborative joy for the entire community.

Note that this first dance will not have a live DJ; however I’ve spent hours crafting a playlist that is sure to have your whole body moving through the evening. Please help spread the word to help build this into a regular Cranbrook / East Kootenay experience (so we can begin to hire awesome DJs and build community around this wonderful practice).

I envision monthly dances with 50–100 beautiful people in the coming years, and appreciate YOUR help in making this dream come true!

For 2023, I plan to host dances on the Saturdays closest to the Equinoxes and Solstices (Jun 25, Sep 24, Dec 23). This way we can gather to celebrate the major changes of sun and season and better attune ourselves with the world and earth around us.

Driving Directions and Parking:Enter through the main "Studio" doors. There is ample street parking. As always, kindly consider carpooling to reduce our carbon footprint (or walking / biking if you live in town.. since it's spring now!).

Please arrive on time. We'll begin with a brief embodiment warm-up before moving in to our dance and closing the doors just before 8pm. There will be a brief introduction to familiarize those who are new to the practice and joy of ecstatic dance, but the dance itself will be your dance and will be unscripted and unguided.
7:30 pm
9:30 pm
The Saturday nearest the Equinoxes and Solstices (June 24, Sept. 23, Dec. 23 for 2023). Hopefully much more frequency soon!
11 Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC
How Much
$16 advanced, $22 regular / door, $10 kids

Upcoming Dances

DJ Dancin' Dave
September 23, 2023
DJ Dancin' Dave
December 23, 2023

Dance Guidelines

1. We Dance Barefoot

  • This allows us to connect more fully with the Ground (socks are OK)
  • If you have a physical condition or need and would like to dance with shoes, kindly do so (otherwise pls avoid shoes so as not to harm others’ toes!)

2. We Dance without words

  • This makes it easier to be in a Meditative or “flow” State
  • Minimal Verbal Instruction from the Facilitators (at the beginning only, for newcomers), and the dance / movement itself it always unguided
  • No Conversations on the dance floor (Do express yourself vocally in any way you like WITHOUT using words: howl, shout, hoot, giggle, etc. with awareness for the space outside you). If you need a conversation, kindly move to the entrance way or outside.

3. We Dance as We Are

  • No Drugs/Alcohol, No Phones, No Camera/Video, No Scents, No Expectations, No Judgements, No Shoulds, No Oughts… Just Be Yourself; With Respect for Ourselves, the Space, and One Another.
  • Honour your own body and its needs: enjoy fresh spring water, fresh air, or little breaks to sit, stretch, etc.

4. An Embodiment Practice

  • For those looking to get the most benefit out of dance as a movement practice, you are invited to leave all thoughts off the dance floor (especially fears and worries!) and be fully present in your body and senses.
  • Challenge yourself to find a movement expression, even when you don’t think you like the music or song … you might surprise yourself!
  • To maintain the container, try to stay in motion for the entire practice. That includes sitting and dancing softly with your arms, stretching, rolling around on the floor, etc… see if you can keep the energy moving throughout the entire dance!

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