Rhythm Sancturary Belfast





6:00 pm

6:00 pm

Ecstatic Dance

Rhythm Sanctuary Belfast Dance Ritual

Nov 2nd: Samhain and the beauty of the darkness

A freeform dance of liberation and self expression where the soundscape, expertly crafted by renowned DJs and drummers, serves as the medicine that facilitates the dancer’s journey.

As we surrender to the music, we connect to our ancestral spirit, which helps us to release stuck energy and cultivate more space in our body and soul for joy to rush in.

Altars within the sacred space, honoring each of the four directions, serve as nooks to contemplate, meditate and observe, and offer a way to experience the music medicine in stillness.

Rhythm Sanctuary is a space for all adult bodies to move, to be still, to connect without words, to expand and to let go.

We are honoured to be a sister dance to the iconic Rhythm Sanctuary based in Denver since 2006. 

Tickets available at the door or online at www.becountercurrent.com

Rhythm Sanctuary Dance Ritual timeline: 

6-6:30 pm: Arrival and Warm up; $15-25 investment 

6:40 pm: Doors will be closed to seal our sacred space; no entry past this time

6:30-6:45 pm: Opening Circle Rituals

6:45 – 8:00 pm: Dance Journey 

8:00 – 8:30 pm:  Share Circle and Closing rituals  

 8:30 – 9:00 pm: Prasad (sharing of blessed snacks) and reintegration time


“John, Courtney, and the Temple Keepers set such a beautiful space for our ceremony. As I entered the temple, I felt honored, – welcomed – and wanted. Any apprehension I had felt about being new evaporated so quickly… immediately I found myself surrounded by soul family in a room full of virtual strangers. This gathering warmed my heart, softened my body, and offered me an opportunity to practice my wildness, to play, to emote, to release, to embody. Thank you, Courtney and John, and here’s hoping for many more sacred sanctuary sessions to come.”

– First Time RSB Participant

Questions, thoughts, support? connect@becountercurrent.com

New to Ecstatic Dance? Read on for our simple guidelines:

*Dance Guidelines*

  • We dance without shoes so we can connect with the earth – if needed, please bring clean indoor shoes or socks for your dance.
  • No talking in the sacred dance circle. The Temple Keepers will verbally open and close the circle, and during this time, we will welcome verbal communication. When the Dance Journey begins, we ask that any talking be taken downstairs. Non verbal auditory communication is welcome, from whoops to trills to hoots etc.
  • This is a sober space for a very specific reason. Your personal temple should be free and clear from substances if at all possible to truly receive the blessings that flow through this dance. Come as you are – no cell phones, no cameras, no distractions, no scents, no expectations, no shoulds, no oughts…just respect for yourself and for your fellow dancers.
  • This is a freeform dance, so each person will be receiving the music medicine in different ways, so we allow for a wide breadth of movement and stillness. Please honor each other’s unique journeys by being just aware enough to protect the bodies around you. If you want to dance with eyes closed or blindfolded, please move in ways that are safe for those who might be around you.
  • Honor each other’s body language and make sure to receive consent before any physical touch. Please use eye contact to initiate contact dance. If someone has downcast or closed eyes, honor their space. And at any time if you want to disengage from contact for any reason, make eye contact and give a little prayer bow.
  • Dancers should be of the age to take care of themselves. The energy in these sacred dances can be very big, and require a certain level of awareness and perception to guide yourself through. We will hold family dances in the future, so our young teachers can dance with us, but for now, little ones should stay home.
Driving Directions and Parking:Parking is free in the neighborhoods and pretty ample. There are a few free lots down Main St, but parking should not be a problem!
6:00 pm
9:00 pm
First Saturdays at the First Church UCC
The Dance Hall at the First Church in Belfast: 8 Court St, Belfast, ME 04915
How Much
$15-25 sliding scale

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July 6, 2024
September 7, 2024
October 5, 2024
November 9, 2024
December 7, 2024

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