My MUsic
I do not have a certain style as I like to keep things open for exploration. Still my mixes mostly have tribal influences as I like the energy in the tribal music. It makes for great energy buildup and to my opinion calls to our ancestral genes 🙂
I guess my style is constantly developing and changing, just the way I like it. To me sticking with one style of musical journeys can become boring overtime and does not advocate for (personal) transformation.
So I mix up from classical to breakbeat, lushes sounds to trance, dubstep to quirky sounds. The element of surprise is important to me just to snap out of the moment sometimes and surprise the dancers and their bodies.
I am a Dutch DJ and producer living in Romania. Ecstatic Dance to me is a ceremony in where, as a DJ, I can create the landscape for the Dancers to let themselves surrender to the flow of music and let their body do the talking 😉