Spring shakeout
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
Ecstatic Dance
Please email us for address! belovebeherebenow1@gmail.com
This is a free event for anyone wanting to dance and collectively celebrate spring’s arrival (hopefully outdoors but if not, we have a big basement with space for dance). All ages, abilities, genders, races and perspectives are welcome. Zero judgment, just good music and kind people. If you wish to bring food or drinks to contribute to snacks, please label any allergens. Please feel free to bring friends and family, but let us know your total so we can plan for it.
Thank you. We can’t wait to meet you!
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Dance Guidelines
Ecstatic Dance – 3 Simple Guidelines
1. We Dance without shoes (or: We Dance Barefoot)
This allows us to connect more fully with the Ground (socks are OK)
If you have a physical condition that you need dance shoes, then OK
2. We Dance without words (or: We Dance with Body Language)
This makes it easier to be in a Meditative State
No Verbal Instruction from the Facilitators
No Talking from the Dancers
3. We Dance as We Are
No Drugs/Alcohol, No Phones, No Camera/Video, No Scents, No Expectations, No Judgements, No Shoulds, No Oughts… Just Be Yourself; With Respect for Ourselves, the Space, and One Another.
Dance at your own risk. Host is not liable.